Missing teeth are more than just an inconvenience or an aesthetic problem. The truth is that when a patient loses a tooth, his or her smile can become destabilized as a result. That is why it is so important for patients to seek out prompt and effective tooth replacement treatments. You’ll be amazed at what is possible with the help of our Glendale restorative dentists!
The state-of-the-art solution for missing teeth is the dental implant. The dental implant is a permanent replacement tooth that is completely customizable to suit the patient’s needs. This means the size, shape, and position of the implant will work to enhance the patient’s overall smile.
Every dental implant is held in place with a titanium root. This root bonds with the patient’s natural jawbone tissue, and forms a stable foundation for the restoration that will go on top. Basically, the titanium base of the dental implant is a replacement tooth root.
When it comes to crafting the dental restoration to go on top of the titanium implant root, our team will look to your natural teeth for guidance on how the restoration should be shaped and shaded. Keep in mind that if you want to lighten your natural teeth, it is best to do this prior to having your implant restoration placed; this allows us to shade your dental implant to match your newly whitened smile.
Dental implants can be conventionally sized or mini. Additionally, titanium implant roots can be used to hold larger dental prostheses like dentures in place. It’s all about what works best for your smile and your timeline.
As always, our Glendale dental implant dentists are here to answer any questions you may have about how to proceed with restorative treatment. Please give us a call to learn more and to schedule a personal consultation!