As your teeth age, you may notice some differences in the way that your smile look and the way it feels. Many people, for example, find that their teeth are more sensitive than they used to be. Unfortunately, this can keep sensitivity sufferers from eating and drinking their favorite things, and from effectively cleaning their smiles.
What causes dental sensitivity?
There are a couple of key issues that can result in you experiencing discomfort when you eat, drink, or clean your smile. If your enamel has become thin, irritants will be able to reach the tooth layer under your enamel, which is called dentin. Another cause of sensitivity is receding gum tissue. This occurs primarily when gum tissue is infected. As the tissue pulls away from the enamel, there are “pockets” formed that may leave your sensitive tooth roots too exposed. Finally, if you have any existing dental decay, this can serve as a kind of super highway to the dentin or the dental pulp.
How can I minimize sensitivity?
There are a few ways of attacking chronic sensitivity. The number one thing to do is to treat any existing infections that may potentially cause more problems down the road. After that, there are toothpastes and mouth rinses that can help to desensitize the nerves in your teeth. Our Glendale dental team can also build up diminished enamel using treatments like dental bonding and restorations.
What happens when this issue is left untreated?
Generally speaking, dental sensitivity doesn’t just resolve on its own. Sensitivity is usually a sign of degrading enamel or gum tissue, both of which need to remain healthy in order to maintain your oral health. As your smile continues to break down, you’ll notice increased instances of dental damage, like chips and cracks, as well as cavities.
Dental sensitivity is never fun, but the good news is that you don’t have to live with forever. If you are dealing with discomfort or sensitivity, our Glendale dentists are here to help you minimize sensitivity and protect your oral health. Call our team to get started with a personal consultation!