Many of us are gearing up for the school year and establishing new routines as a result. Why not take this opportunity to make sure that you’re prioritizing oral health this year? Keep reading to get some helpful tips from our Glendale dentists…
Carry Water
One simple yet effective thing that you can do this year is to start carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day. With your water bottle handy, you’ll find it’s easy to stay hydrated; you won’t be dependent on finding accessible water fountains, and you won’t have to settle for drinking potentially problematic beverages like juices and sodas.
Rinse Habitually
As you get used to your new routine this school year, our team encourages you to set aside a minute to rinse your mouth after meals and snacks. Not only does this clear away odor-causing dental debris, but it also boosts saliva production and encourages dental enamel re-mineralization. The goal is to limit the amount of time that bacteria and staining substances can affect our smiles!
Minimize Bad Habits
Now is also a great time to stay alert for any unhealthy habits that may be creeping into your daily routine and hurting your smile. If, for example, you regularly chew on the tip of your pen or pencil as you work, you may be wearing away healthy dental enamel. Here’s another common scenario: do you grind or clench your teeth when you’re concentrating? If so, you’re increasing your risk of developing TMJ dysfunction as well as premature enamel deterioration.
Maintaining a healthy and strong smile is so important; our Glendale dentists encourage you to set some attainable dental goals this year, goal-setting can make a big difference! And, remember, you can always reach out to our dental team to learn more or to schedule a personal consultation. We look forward to speaking with you!