Gum disease is a serious and potentially devastating oral health problem; it is actually the leading cause of tooth loss among adult patients. The thing about gum disease is that it is most easily and effectively treated in its earliest stages. That is why our Glendale dentists strongly encourage patients to seek prompt treatment as soon as they notice oral health changes. Today we’re going to be reviewing how gum disease develops and intensifies. We hope that this information empowers you to take control of your own oral health!
Healthy gum tissue generally appears as some shade of pink, and it fully covers the patients’ tooth roots.
When gum tissue becomes infected, it can start to look red and swollen. It may also be prone to bleeding when you eat abrasive foods or when you floss between your teeth. Often, these symptoms of early gum disease or quite subtle, and thus easy to miss.
As gum disease becomes more entrenched, you may find that you’re battling hard-to-treat bad breath. The oral bacteria that cause gum disease also release unpleasant odors as they grow and multiply. Many periodontal disease sufferers find that they can’t freshen their breath no matter how diligent they are about brushing, flossing, and using mouth rinses. This is because the underlying infection needs to be addressed first!
Long-term, untreated gum disease can cause permanent damage to your smile. As the infection intensifies, it spreads to other parts of your smile, like the connective tissues that hold your teeth in place, and your jawbone tissue. This is why it’s so critical to seek prompt treatment for oral infections.
Our Glendale dentists provide gum disease treatments that are effective, comfortable, and proven. If you think that you are dealing with infected oral tissues, now is the time to schedule a consultation with our team. We look forward to speaking with you!