Glendale Dentist Reviews Things To Keep In Mind When Picking Dental

Written by Dr. McKay on Nov 16, 2021

Choosing dental tools and formulas that meet your specific needs can make a huge difference when it comes to the efficacy of your routine. Our Glendale dentists are here to help you get the most out of your daily routine, and we’ve put together this information to get you started! Here are some things to keep in  mind as you shop for oral hygiene tools… 


The first thing to consider when evaluating a cleaning product is whether it is appropriately sized for your smile. It can be hard to reach and adequately clean all of those nooks and crannies between teeth—that’s where a compact toothbrush head or thin piece of floss is especially beneficial. Choose your dental products with functionality in mind, first and foremost.


The goal of any oral hygiene routine is to clear away bacteria and dental debris, while being as gentle as possible on the dental enamel and gum tissue. We really don’t want to “scrub” our smiles, as this can inadvertently cause dental damage. So, when you are choosing your oral hygiene products, try to pick gentle formulations and bristles. If you are not sure what type of tool is right for you, talk to your dental team for additional guidance.


Finally, you’ll find that oral hygiene products come in an array of color and flavors, to match your needs. These decisions really come down to personal taste—you should buy and use product that you genuinely enjoy, as research has shown that affinity makes it more likely you’ll stick with your routine.

It really is that easy! If you need more information or you’re ready to schedule an appointment with our team, give our Glendale dentists a call!