Glendale Dentist Shares Information To Review With Your Dental Team

Written by Dr. McKay on Aug 16, 2022

As you continually make decisions about your smile and oral health routine, our Glendale dentists are here to give you all of the information and guidance that you may need. This article reviews a few important topics that you may want to cover with your dental team…

Toothbrush Bristles 

Your dentist can help you answer one of the most important questions regarding your daily oral hygiene routine—what type of toothbrush bristle is best for you. There are a number of types of toothbrush bristles on the market today, ranging from “soft” to “extra firm.” Ultimately, you want to use a type of bristle that effectively cleanses your smile without being too abrasive.

Semi-annual Appointments

Another topic to review with your dental team is your optimal schedule for professional preventive dental cleanings. You may already know that the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends most patients see their dentist every six months or so for a cleaning—talk to your dentist about whether this is right for you! Dental patients with ongoing oral health concerns may benefit from more frequent appointments.


We also encourage you to talk with your dentist about any signs of bruxism (chronic dental grinding) you may be noticing in your daily life. Because bruxism can occur at night, while you are asleep, you want to stay alert for signs like jaw pain, tooth pain, headaches, neck stiffness/soreness, and sleep problems. Don’t wait to mention these to your team—early intervention is key!

If you want to learn more about any area of cosmetic or restorative dentistry, our Glendale dentists are here to help. We look forward to speaking with you—give us a call to schedule a personal consultation!