Glendale Dentist Walks You Through Considerations When Planning Cosmetic Treatment

Written by Dr. McKay on Oct 26, 2021

When our Glendale cosmetic dentist meets with a patient in order to create a treatment plan, we take a number of different factors in mind. We know that in order to help the patient achieve his or her best results, we need to be thoughtful about the patient’s needs from day one.

Today we will be discussing some of the key factors that we keep in mind when crafting any dental treatment plan. Before you meet with your dentist to discuss your dental needs, think about how you might answer each of these questions—your answers provide indispensable guidance for our team!

  1. Your dream smile

Picture your ideal smile in your mind—what does it look like? Talk to your dentist about the specific results you want to achieve. Do you have one main cosmetic goal? Or multiple objectives? Don’t leave anything out!

  1. Your timeline

Are you trying to improve your smile for a specific event/wedding/reunion? If so, make sure that your dental team is aware of your time constraints. One great thing about modern cosmetic dentistry is that there are a number of different treatments available—and they really run the gamut in terms of duration of treatment. We can absolutely match you with a cosmetic solution that delivers results in a timely manner.

  1. Your budget

If you have insurance, you may want to check out what is and is not covered under your plan before you talk to a dentist. Our dental team can also help you figure out which treatments will improve your smile without stretching your budget.

These are just three of the factors that we also take into account when working with cosmetic dentistry patients. If you are considering transforming your smile with modern dental treatments, please feel free to schedule a consultation with our Glendale aesthetic dentists to learn more and get personalized tips!