Serious dental damaging can seem pretty overwhelming to deal with. If you have a tooth that is severely infected or fractured, our Glendale dentists are here to help you find a restorative treatment option that will work for your smile.
Many patients with serious dental damage can benefit from root canal therapy. And our dental team has found that although root canal therapy is very well known, few patients really understand how this treatment works. So, today we’re going to walk you through the root canal process step by step.
1. Assessment
Our dental team will first examine your smile, in order to determine the extent of your dental damage. We may take x-Rays so that we can pinpoint the areas of infection or fracture. If your tooth is, indeed, damaged down to the inner core of the tooth, our dental team may recommend root canal therapy.
2. Tissue and root removal
If root canal treatment is appropriate for you, our dental team will remove the infected and damaged parts of your tooth. We will also remove the tissues in the inner core of your tooth, including your dental roots (which extend down into your gum and bone tissue).
3. Restoration
Once your tooth has been cleaned out, we will clean the remaining health dental materials, in order to minimize the risk of re-infection. Then, we will rebuild the tooth with a customized restoration. Once this phase of treatment is complete, your tooth will look whole and attractive again, and you’ll be able to eat and drink comfortably.
Using root canal therapy, our dental team can actually save compromised teeth, which would other fall out or need to be pulled. Prompt root canal therapy is really important—so if you notice signs of dental damage, call our Glendale dentists to schedule a personal consultation as soon as possible.