Sometimes, no matter how hard to we try to maintain our smile, oral health problems pop up. That is why our Glendale dentists make it a priority to offer effective, state-of-the-art restorative treatments to help you get your smile back on track. One dental treatment that can literally save teeth that would otherwise be lost is root canal therapy.
If you want to learn more about the details of root canal therapy, keep reading this quick Q and A from our dental team.
Q: How do I know if I need root canal treatment?
A: The only way to know for sure is to meet with a dentist so that he or she can assess the health of your tooth. When a tooth is damaged down to the inner core, a root canal is necessary to remove the infected material and preserve any health portions of the tooth.
There are some symptoms, however, that may indicate that you’re dealing with a severely damaged tooth: dental pain and sensitivity; chronic, hard-to-treat bad breath; visible darkening and decay on the dental surface.
Q: What will my tooth be like post-treatment?
A: One of the best things about modern roto canal therapy is that post-treatment your tooth will have natural look and structure. Once our team has removed the damaged dental material within your tooth, we will fill and restore the tooth. We use metal-free, natural-looking materials, so that your tooth will look whole and unblemished when we are done. Once your dental restoration is in place, you should be able to jump back into your normal daily routine right away.
Our Glendale dentists are happy to provide you with any additional information and guidance you need regarding root canal therapy. You can always call our dental team to learn more and schedule a consultation; you can also use the Contact Us page on our website to get started!