Learn About The Benefits Of CEREC Technology From Our Glendale Dentist

Written by Dr. McKay on Sep 5, 2023

In our office, we are always improving and updating in order to provide our patients with the best possible dental experiences. We know that our patients are busy and often struggle to make time for restorative and cosmetic dental care—that is why we are so excited to offer CEREC technology in our Glendale office.

CEREC stands for “Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.” Traditional restorations are crafted in an off-site lab, and then transported to our office so that we can secure the crowns in the patients’ mouths. CEREC, however, allows our team to design, craft, and place your restorations in one appointment right here in our office.

One of the major benefits of using CEREC crowns is that you can come in with a damaged tooth and leave the same day with a restored and complete smile. This means that you don’t have to bother wearing a temporary crown while you wait for your final restoration to be complete. Patients love the convenience of CEREC treatment.

Because the entire crown creation and placement process happens on-site, we are able to refine the patient’s dental restoration down to the smallest detail during the patient’s appointment. This ensures that you end up with a dental crown that looks and feels exceptionally natural for you as an individual.

CEREC crowns are crafted from customized porcelain, so they are durable and capable of standing up to the wear and tear of daily life. Although these restorations are crafted and placed in just one appointment, they are not temporary crowns; they’re designed to be permanent!

If you want to learn more about all of our restorative treatment options including CEREC crowns, our Glendale dentists are here to help. Give us a call to ask your question and to schedule a personal consultation with our team!