We all want to enjoy healthy, blemish-free smiles, but the truth is that, sometimes, dental problems develop despite our best efforts. In today’s article, our Glendale dentists are sharing some information about types of dental damage, and levels of severity.
Before we talk about dental problems, we first need to review the basic structure of a tooth. Keep in mind that teeth are not solid and inert, rather, they are comprised of different layers:
- Dental enamel
This is the outermost layer of the tooth; it is sturdy and free of nerves. Thanks to dental enamel, you’re able to bite and chew comfortably. The enamel is tasked with protecting the inner layers of the tooth, which are more vulnerable.
- Dentin
The dentin sits directly under the dental enamel. Dentin is more porous than enamel, and so it is more susceptible to infection and damage. Also, dentin is slightly yellower than enamel.
- Dental pulp
The core of the tooth holds dental pulp, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and living tissues. This is the most fragile tooth layer. If your pulp is damaged, you’ll likely experience significant discomfort.
Generally speaking, the further into a tooth that an infection or damage gets, the more expensive, time intensive, and involved treatment is.
Damaged dental enamel can often be treated quickly and comfortably with a simple filling or dental bonding. However, when dentin or dental pulp is affected, our team may recommend more extensive restorative treatment. Dental restorations, for example, are used to rebuild missing tooth portions. Infected dental pulp often requires root canal therapy, during which our team clears away the nerves, roots, and tissues that sit in the dental core.
As you can see, prompt identification and treatment can make a world of difference when it comes to treating cavities as well as cracks and chips. Reach out to our Glendale restorative dentists at the first sign of trouble!