Learn The Key Signs Of Periodontal Disease From Our Glendale Dentist

Written by Dr. McKay on Feb 26, 2013

Your gum tissue is the foundation of your smile; when your gums are unhealthy, your teeth will likely suffer as a result.

Unfortunately, many adult dental patients suffer from gum disease without knowing that they need to seek treatment. Our Glendale dentists are going to be giving you the information you need about gum disease—how it develops, and how it may hurt your smile.

Gum disease occurs when oral bacteria infiltrate your gum tissue. The same oral bacteria that can cause dental cavities in your teeth can infect your oral tissues and lead to all kinds of problems.

It is very common for gum disease to initially progress asymptomatically, which makes it difficult for the dental patient to realize that he or she has an oral health problem. However, there are still some common signs of gum disease that can give you an indication that you need to seek treatment:

· Chronic bad breath—oral bacteria emit unpleasant odors, so if you are suffering from bad breath that is difficult to treat, it could be related to gum disease.

· Bleeding and swollen gum tissue—when your gum tissue become infected it may become red, inflamed, and tender as your body rushes to fight the infection.

· Gum tissue recession—gum disease weakens your gum tissue and the other connective tissues in your mouth. As these tissues weaken, your gums can actually pull away from your teeth and form deep pockets between your teeth and gum line. This leads to dental sensitivity, as well as increased bacteria accumulation.

Prompt treatment for gum disease can help you reclaim a healthy smile before too much damage is done. So if you do notice any of these common signs of gum disease, please reach out to our Glendale dentists to get the help that you need.