When you are ready to improve the appearance of your smile, it is time to start exploring the cosmetic treatments available in dentistry today. Our Glendale cosmetic dentists are here to help you do just that. We’re kicking it off with a thorough overview of one of the most versatile options in aesthetic dentistry: the dental veneer.
What are veneers?
Dental veneers are thin porcelain restorations that are designed to bonded to the patient’s natural tooth. Once a veneer is in place, it totally transforms the appearance of the tooth. Veneers are always shaped, sized, and shaded to coordinate with the patient’s existing smile.
Veneers vs teeth whitening
If you are dealing with dark, discolored, or dull enamel, there are a few ways that you can achieve a whiter smile. Professional dental whitening treatment lifts stains from the tooth structure; this helps to restore the tooth to its previous shade of white. Veneers, on the other hand, cover the enamel, so they can be made in any shade. Veneers are also useful for people who also have irregularly textured or damaged enamel.
Veneers vs dental bonding
Dental bonding utilizes composite resin to resurface or repair natural enamel. Like veneers, composite resin is customized to match the patient’s smile. However, generally speaking, veneers deliver more dramatic results than bonding. Keep in mind that bonding can be repaired if it becomes damaged, while veneers need to be replaced.
Veneers vs orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign is designed to move a patient’s natural teeth into better alignment. Many patients can achieve similar visual results, in a much shorter period of time, using aesthetic veneers. In this respect, veneers are most effective when the patient’s misalignment is not severe, and when the patient does not have prominent bite dysfunction.
Can veneers help you achieve your dental goals? Give our Glendale cosmetic dentists a call to schedule a personal consultation and get started!