Dental sensitivity is certainly a nuisance, but did you know that it can also be linked to serious oral health problems? That is why our Glendale dentists encourage our patients to seek professional treatment for dental sensitivity. We are here to help you determine the root cause of dental discomfort, and to build a treatment plan that works for you.
Why are my teeth so sensitive?
Inside of every tooth there is core of dental pulp, which contains tissues and nerves. When you experience dental sensitivity, it is a sign that those inner nerves are not protected well enough; irritants are able to go through the first two dental layer to the pulp.
What kind of treatments are available?
When we are treating dental sensitivity, our goal is to minimize the number of irritants that come into contact with your sensitive tooth roots. One way to do this is by covering the enamel with a protective layer of either composite resin or a ceramic restoration. If your tooth root is too exposed, due to receding gum tissue, for example, we may recommend gum tissue grafts to build up the gums
Do I need to be worried?
Dental sensitivity may be a sign that your dental enamel has become thin and weaker. Additionally, you may experience sensitivity because your gum tissue is starting to recede from your teeth. So, while you don’t need to be worried, per se, you should take these changes to your smile seriously. A dental professional will be able to guide you toward treatment options that minimize discomfort while fortifying your teeth.
The best way to get started is to contact our Glendale dentists in order to schedule a personal consultation. Once we are able to assess your smile, we will be able to give you personalized recommendations for treatment and oral health maintenance.