What Does Dental Acid Do To Your Smile? Our Glendale Dentist Explains

Written by Dr. McKay on Oct 13, 2015

Acid is one of the greatest threats to your dental health. There are different types of acid that can affect your teeth, and different ways that your teeth can be exposed to acid. Today our Glendale dentists are going to be giving you more information about where acid comes from, and how it harms your enamel.


When oral bacteria feed and multiply in your mouth, they produce acid. This acid coats your dental enamel and demineralizes your teeth. Once your teeth start to demineralize they become more susceptible to damage and decay. Bacteria produce dental acid, which weakens your enamel, and thus harmful oral bacteria are more easily able to infiltrate your dental enamel and burrow through the layers of your tooth.

In order to minimize this type of damage it is critical that you clear plaque and bacteria from your smile on a regular basis. You also need to undergo professional dental cleanings in order to eliminate hard-to-reach plaque and tartar.

Environmental exposure

There are also a number of popular foods and drinks that are quite acidic. Things like fruit juices, wine, and sodas all expose your teeth to acid. This acid softens dental enamel, thus rendering it more susceptible to damage and infection.

It is best to limit the amount of acidic substances that you consume throughout the day. Additionally, you can rinse your smile with water after consuming something acidic—this will help to minimize the amount of time that acid is able to attack your enamel. It’s also a good idea to wait at least twenty or thirty minutes after eating/drinking acidic things to clean your teeth; your enamel is soft after acid exposure, so you don’t want to scrub it.

The fight against harmful acid is a daily fight. The good news is that our Glendale dentists are here to provide you with the information and the support that you need to protect your smile. Give us a call!