Glendale Dentist Helps Patients Understand Dental Sensitivity To Cold

Written by Dr. McKay on Nov 8, 2016

As the weather gets colder, you may notice that your teeth feel somewhat sensitive to changes in temperature. Dental sensitivity can make it difficult for patients to enjoy their favorite foods and drinks, and comfortably keep up with their daily routines.

Today our Glendale dentists are here to give you more information about how dental sensitivity develops, and what you can do to counteract it.

The first thing we need to talk about is the structure of the natural tooth. Every tooth is comprised of multiple layers—the dental enamel is the outermost layer, responsible for protecting your inner tooth; the dentin sits under the enamel, and is more porous and sensitive than the enamel; the innermost layer of the tooth is made of nerves, oral tissues, and blood vessels.

If you begin to suffer from dental sensitivity, it is likely that part of your dentin is exposed. This may happen because…

· Your dental enamel has thinned over time. This may happen because your enamel has been worn down by abrasive substances, acid exposure, or bruxism.

· You have a crack, chip, or hole in your dental enamel that allows outside substances to penetrate the inner layers of your tooth.

· Your gum tissue is receding or damaged, so that nerves and tissues near the base of your tooth are vulnerable.

There are topical formulations that can help you manage dental sensitivity, and numb painful areas. More long-term treatments involve trying to re-mineralize and strengthen dental enamel so that the outer tooth is more resilient. You may also benefit from periodontal treatments that rebuild diminished gum tissue.

If you are suffering from dental sensitivity, our Glendale dentists are her to help. The sooner that you seek treatment, the faster you can get your life back to normal! Give us a call to get started.