Here Are Some Common Reasons To Undergo Wisdom Tooth Extraction From Our Glendale Dentists

Written by Dr. McKay on Jun 7, 2016

Wisdom teeth are those sometimes problematic teeth that sit behind your third molars. Wisdom teeth are somewhat enigmatic in their evolutionary purpose. Early humans probably needed these teeth to effectively chew and derive nutrients from the tough foods that they ate. However, as human diets have changed, these teeth have become largely obsolete.

This is why so many modern dental patients find their wisdom teeth problematic, rather than helpful. Today our Glendale dentists are reviewing some of the issues that can arise due to wisdom teeth.

It’s important to keep in mind that wisdom teeth generally start to emerge from the gum tissue when the patient is in his or her late teens or early twenties.

· Very few patients have enough room in their mouths for wisdom teeth to fully emerge.

· Some wisdom teeth become impacted in the bone tissue—this leads to pain and sensitivity in the back of the jaw.

· If your wisdom teeth partially break through the gum tissue, they can become prime spots of cavity and gum disease development. It is difficult for patients to adequately clean the enamel and gum tissues in these areas, so you may suffer from oral infections as a result. Over time these infections can even spread to your bone tissue.

· It is also very common for wisdom teeth to start to emerge horizontally, or at steep angles, rather than emerging vertically through the gum tissue. This is not only potentially uncomfortable; it also puts unnecessary pressure on the patient’s existing smile. Over time, this can lead to dental crowding and misalignment.

If you think that your wisdom teeth may problematic, our Glendale dentists are here to provide you with the guidance and advice that you need to preserve a healthy smile. Give our office a call to learn more or to schedule a personal consultation with our team.