Start Your New Year Off Right With Help From Our Glendale Dentists

Written by Dr. McKay on Jan 1, 2019

As you move into the new year, now is the time to set some life-improving resolutions. One of the ways that you can get the most out of 2019 is to take steps to properly care for your smile. Our Glendale dentists are here to help you make an oral health plan that works for your smile and your life. Keep reading to learn more!

  • Semi-annual cleanings

The first thing to do is to make sure that you get your six month dental appointments on the books, now. It’s too easy for patients to fall behind on these cleanings, as life gets busy through the year. These appointments are crucial for clearing your smile of harmful plaque and tartar, and staying on top on any developing oral health issues.

  • Replace dental tools

Now is also the perfect time to swap out any old oral hygiene tools for fresh, effective ones. This is especially true for toothbrushes, as few of us are upgrading our brushes as frequently as we should be. You want to replace your toothbrush every three months, after illness. Old brushes can both lose effectiveness and harbor bacteria over time.

  • Incorporate healthy habits

While you’re making resolutions, why not incorporate some healthy habits into your daily routine. Commit, for example, to drinking more water, as this boosts overall wellness as well as dental health. You can also get into the routine of rinsing your mouth with water after eating or drinking. When you rinse, you encourage saliva production, and you clear away accumulated dental debris and plaque.

If you want to learn more about things that you can do to care for your smile this year, our Glendale dentists are here to answer any questions that you may have. Contact our team through the Contact Us page on our site or by calling our office!