Take Control Of Gum Disease With Help From Our Glendale Dentists

Written by Dr. McKay on Jun 16, 2020

Taking steps to care for your smile as a whole, necessitates that you prioritize oral tissues, like your gums. Your gum tissue helps to hold your teeth in place, and cover sensitive tooth roots. When your gum tissue becomes infected, our dental team goes to work helping your body heal.

  • Start with a thorough assessment

When you meet with our Glendale dentists, we will screen your smile to determine the severity of the infection. We will also check your oral tissues for vulnerable areas that may become infected next.

  • Deep-clean your smile

A big part of treating gum disease is helping your body go through its natural process to heal itself. Our team will clean away any accumulated plaque and tartar in order to give your smile as clean of a slate as possible.

  • Remove diseased tissues

We can also help your body heal by removing gum tissue that is already infected. Again, the purpose of this treatment is to help your immune system do what it does best; by clearing away select tissue, there are fewer spots of infection for your body to fight.

  • Upgrade your daily dental routine

Because you are the first line of defense when it comes to dental health, our team may help you tweak your daily brushing routine to boost its effectiveness. We may recommend specific formulations of toothpaste or mouth rinse to kill additional bacteria. And tools like Waterpiks can reach, and clean, those tight spaces between your teeth and gums.

  • Repair degrading tissue

When a significant amount of gum tissue removed or infected beyond repair, our dental team may recommend gum grafts to restore your smile. This treatment allows our team to take excess tissue from one part of your mouth, and graft it over existing gum tissue, thus rebuilding the foundation of your smile.

Although treating gum disease can seem like an overwhelming proposition at first, our Glendale dentists are here to walk you through the process!