Glendale Dentist Shares Three Things You Can Add To Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Written by Dr. McKay on Dec 11, 2018

Many of us get complacent with our oral hygiene routines over time; this is totally normal! But, let’s be honest, it’s not ideal.

Our Glendale dentists encourage you to take this opportunity to re-evaluate your daily dental routine, and to make small improvements where and when appropriate. Sometimes, minor alterations can make the biggest difference.

  1. Consider adding a mouthwash to your routine

There are a wide variety of mouth rinse formulations available today. Some of them are designed to strengthen teeth, while others combat gum disease, and still others battle bad breath. Many rinses actually offer multiple benefits simultaneously!

You can use a mouth was before you floss and brush, to rid your mouth of lose dental debris. You can also rinse your mouth as the final step in your routine; this is a great way to catch any lingering plaque and food particles before you head out for the day or go to sleep.

  1. Regular water rinses

This one is an easy one: as soon as you finish eating, or drinking something other than water, reach for your H20. Drinking water actually promotes saliva production, and saliva works to neutralize bacteria and strengthen enamel. Rinsing your mouth vigorously with water will also limit the amount of time that bacteria are able to feed on the sugars and carbohydrates in your mouth.

  1. Use a specially formulated toothpaste

Take a look at your toothpaste—could it be doing something more for you? There are formulations available to whiten enamel, freshen breath, and minimize sensitivity. Talk to your dental team about whether you can benefit from a specific type of toothpaste in your daily routine.

Our Glendale dentists are here to answer any questions you may have about how to care for your smile at home. Even if it has been years since you’ve seen the dentist, we can help you get your smile back on track!